Playbill Ads

Your child is important, especially to you! Show them the love and support you feel with a personal ad. Make it loving, make it funny, but make it in print so they know how much you care. The playbill becomes an instant scrapbook keepsake for your talented child and a memory for you.

We also offer affordable business ads for companies that want to show their support for Theatre Arts at Austin High School. Showcase your business and feel great doing it!

Playbills are published for every production and provided to every audience member

Ways to pay for Playbill Ads

Single show and season-long options are available

Ad sizes:

1/4 page (2.75" x 4.25")
1/2 page (5.5" x 4.25")
Full page (5.5" x 8.5")

After making your ad purchase, please submit ad copy (b&w/greyscale) in .JPG format to, including your name so we can match it to your payment. 

Questions? Need ad design assistance? Email: